Sunday, January 10, 2010


i was feeling bored..not knowing what to do...(i know, a lot of people feel that way most of the time..).so i decided to go out and explore the city and see where would i end up.
Man, i'm glad i brought along a notebook and a pen.everytime i stopped, i can i just kill the time by jotting down what i see and feel while waiting for the light to turn green.
still wondering where am i going....hmmm...aha! BDC!
i went straight to Popular Bookstore and did some free-reading.After an hour, i moved my thoughts to guitar, so i went to Hock Lee where Lee Music Center is waiting.
Wow, Epiphone, Ibanez, Santa Cruz guitars look awesome! No need to mention its price! I'm not much of a guitar player but i really wanted to have an electric guitar one day...soon... Better start a 'Guitar Foundation' f my own...

Monday, January 4, 2010

What's in my mind....

can help thinking about's kinda sucks being single when everybody else is having love to share with.sometimes i feel i don't need one yet i do feel the loneliness once in a while.lately i met a lot of new female friends but they're all commited to their BF.... ;(
well, in a way...i have a lot of NEW female friends! Never had so many female friends...All of them are fun to be with though.Enjoy it!
One thing for sure, i always find a way to cheer myself keeps me look and stay young...Listening to music and close my eyes to its words brings me to my own world where there'll be no worries....
Sigh...still looking for answers...Does kindness pays? Indeed they do..That's what i always tell myself...Just be friendly towards least try to even if you don't like them at all...
Well, there's a lot more 'fishes' out there....My ex seems to find replacement is an easy to do.Guess it's easy when your pretty... =P