Friday, January 23, 2009

Love Of My Life by QUEEN

For Someone That I Love... She knows who she is... :)


What Napolean Hill wrote :

The majority of people who fail to accumulate money sufficient for their needs, are generally, easy influenced by the "opinions" of others. They permit the newspapers and the "gossiping" neighbours to do their "thinking" for them. "Opinions" are the cheapest commodities on earth.Everyone has a flock of opinions ready to be wished upon anyone who will accept them. If you are influenced by "opinions" when you reach DECISIONS, you will not succeed in any undertaking, much less in that of transmuting YOUR OWN DESIRE into money.
If you are influenced by the opinions of others, you will have no DESIRE of your own.You have a brain and a mind of your own, USE IT., and reach your own decisions. If you need facts or information from other people, to enable you to reach decisions, as you probably will in many instances; acquire these facts or secure the information you nedd quietly, without disclosing your purpose.
It is characteristic of people who have but a smattering or a veneer of knowledge to try to give the impression that they have much knowledge. Such people generally do TOO MUCH talking, and TOO LITTLE listening.Keep your eyes and ears wide open--and your mouth CLOSED, if you wish to acquire the habit of prompt DECISION. Those who talk too much do little else. If you talk more than you listen, you not only deprive yourself of many opportunities to accumulate useful knowledge, but you also disclose your PLANS and PURPOSES to people who will take great delight in defeating you, because they envy you
Remember, also, that every time you open your mouth in the presence of a person who has an abundance of knowledge, you display to that person, your exact stock of knowledge, or your LACK of it! Genuine wisdom is usually conspicuous through modesty and silence.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Bought some number today.Betting on luck.Kalau kenak best, mun sik kenak...NASIB lah hoooo... Well,this is shortcut to riches.. All smile if u hit the jackpot, broke down when you miss...
I did win a couple of times, not much.But u know, when u have that little bit of extra money in ur pocket, u tend to spend it...WILDLY AND FOOLISHLY, am i right? Cause I've been there..hehehe...
This year, I WILL spend it WISELY if i win..If....Then again, I'm spending money on lottery? What difference does it make?
Better CUT down my spending, and spend on neccesary items only.I still smoke though,DAMN... Cheers!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


At school,we're punished everytime we make mistakes.To make things worse,we might be labelled stupid.Why is that? But for me...NOW..older and wiser (cewah) , by doing mistakes is where you will learn something.Just like Alanis Morrisette sang in her song,YOU BLEED,YOU LEARN..YOU LOVE,YOU LEARN..YOU CRY,YOU LEARN...YOU SCREAM YOU LEARN..

If you don't do mistakes, you'll never learn.I know,we don't do them on purpose..right? Its a life process..Everyone does..even the smart people..Even the powerful people...They all have made mistakes in their life...Correct me if I'm wrong people,MISTAKES TEACH!

But I know, some people find it hard to learn from mistakes or maybe they just don't take it for a thought.These people normally will blame other people or saying things just happen that way.Don't you hate it if people blame you for something that you didn't do,which is actually its them and they don't want to admit it? Its sucks, i know...

Well, life is full of surprise..Thats what makes life interesting.. And along they way, we will always have to learn new things.I want to learn Japanese language and culinary.How about you?

Monday, January 12, 2009


  1. You're a dancer...
  2. Your best friend died..
  3. We have the same skin colour...
  4. There is heaven on earth...
  5. Animals can talk...
  7. We can live forever...
  8. Our words became flesh...
  9. There is no tomorrow...
  10. We can be young again...
  11. We can change the world,with just our mind..
  12. There is no Sun...
  13. Angels live among us..
  14. One sin can kills us..
  15. People we hate,suddenly become someone we love...
  16. Every cents we earn we give it to charity...just for once...
  17. We lost our memory.. all of it..
  18. Mountains can be move...
  19. We all could sing WE ARE THE WORLD simultaneously,EVERYONE in the world
  20. You could stop any WAR...
  21. Religion is ONE....Its your last day on earth... 

Those are IF's that go through my head while listening to Angels & Airwaves.... This post was inspired by the songs on my Winamp playlist at this very moment... 

Saturday, January 10, 2009


The war in Gaza have wounded and killed dozens of innocent soul especially young children.They, who don't know anything about the war... Its a childhood memory and experience none of us would ever wanted and dreamed of.Is there no more humanism in them who involved in this war? Maybe their childhood did look this way when they were a child.

Fingers are pointing each other, blaming one another... It just won't end.. Some say it all because of hatred,power,ego,..thats why the war breaks.Hey,who built weapons? Should we blame them? I don't think so..Anything can be a weapon..Just like a knife,give it to a cook,he'll use it to slice and dice the vege,fish,meat and onions.But if you give it to a know what will happen.

How I wish all these negatives thought and feelings just fades away and depart..never to return...I imagine of a world,people only know how to love,forgive,tolerate,kind and happy...Smile and laughter...Joy and endless peace...God would have love that..

Friday, January 9, 2009


Sudoku is something new for me.It might be peace of cake to some people but as a beginner,its damn confiusing and hard for me.When I first look at he game,I was like "What the F*$k"...  Hell..I give it a try.

My girlfriend bought the SUDOKU book and asked me to join her.I wasn't interested at first but then again, I kind of wanted to try and see what this game could do.Or what can you achieved by playing.Yes,its a MATH thingy.. oh boy,my math sucks!

After a few minuted of filling out the empty boxes,I begin to enjoy it.At some point,I wanted to just give up and continue the next day.But I challenged my mind and put it to work.I was DETERMINE to finished it that moment.My girlfriend asked me to continue it the next day but i said NO.

I told myself and sent a message to my brain,"FINISH IT,YOU CAN DO IT".Guess what, I did.With a great determination and believe,my mind done it job.

At that point,that was the greatest feeling I have ever felt.The feeling of achieving something that you wanted the most.I wanted to finis the game, and i did.The power reveal when you BELIEVE,DETERMINE and NEVER GIVE UP.

Friends, maybe its nothing to you but to me.. Its an ACHIEVEMENT to me.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


We all have ideas.Why? What are they? Its our thoughts that brought ideas come to life. From invention to food,it all comes from the person's mind. Cars,lightbulb,planes,hamburger...WHAT YOU THINK,CAN BECOME REAL.IDEA and physical willingness to put that idea to WORK,makes your THOUGHT, become something physical or tangible.

Realize that,IDEAS came when we are in some sort of situation? Be it a GOOD IDEA or A NASTY IDEA,to perform something, to make something..normally to make situation that you're in be less trouble or easy,fun,simple..whatever you want it to be.Decoration in you house,cars,accessories for women like earrings,bracelet..etc

Hey,why don't we start do some thinking everytime we wake up and before going to bed? And try to make it a reality.Tell me some of your thoughts and ideas n anything.I too will participate and this will give us something to comment about.

Thank you for every single of your comment on my posts... Appreciate it.. ;)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


The first step to achieve anything you want is you must have a DESIRE.The BURNING DESIRE to win,to gain something,to achieve something..It all started with a DREAM and IMAGINATION.When you have that,put your mind to work and start building those need to success,to drive your DESIRE to become a reality.

No success without sacrifice.Nothing in this world comes easy,especially when your talking about being successful.A lot of successful person in the past,they had the DESIRE to be somebody.Some of them had to leave their love ones behind,their comfort zone..just to find that pot of gold.And surprisingly, some of them wasn't really good at school.Even never been to school.How is is possible you may ask..

Its their BURNING DESIRE that brought them to the road of glory.They wanted to be somebody,they go for it..Whatever it takes for them to get there.

To all my friends who read this post, I've learned that through reading books especially self-enrichment books..people can change the way they think and act or say or do..Change for the better, for good.. I want to change myself for the good..My life..Remember this,the only person who will going to stop you from doing what you YOU..Challenge yourself.Be somebody... 

Thursday, January 1, 2009


I've deleted my older post and started a new one..right now.Its 2009 and there's a lot of things NEED to be done.I've got to change myself.The way I think,do things,speak,action..anything..Change for the better.Big hopes this year.Big dreams.Get rid of negative elements and say hello to positive thinking.Well,I bought this book written by Napolean Hill,"Think And Grow Rich".There's a dozens of powerful and inspirational lines and quotes from that book that Napolean joted down,and most of it came from some of the most influential and succesesful people that have ever live.I intend to finish that book and followed all the principles taught in it.

2009... Here I come...