Thursday, January 8, 2009


We all have ideas.Why? What are they? Its our thoughts that brought ideas come to life. From invention to food,it all comes from the person's mind. Cars,lightbulb,planes,hamburger...WHAT YOU THINK,CAN BECOME REAL.IDEA and physical willingness to put that idea to WORK,makes your THOUGHT, become something physical or tangible.

Realize that,IDEAS came when we are in some sort of situation? Be it a GOOD IDEA or A NASTY IDEA,to perform something, to make something..normally to make situation that you're in be less trouble or easy,fun,simple..whatever you want it to be.Decoration in you house,cars,accessories for women like earrings,bracelet..etc

Hey,why don't we start do some thinking everytime we wake up and before going to bed? And try to make it a reality.Tell me some of your thoughts and ideas n anything.I too will participate and this will give us something to comment about.

Thank you for every single of your comment on my posts... Appreciate it.. ;)


vinay said...

Ideas are always instantenous,very rarely are they thought out and preplanned ,they come out of situations not foreen events rather. Thomas Alva Edison never preplanned that he would invent the bulb, it was just an idea that struck him one day,Life is an idea in itself ,just that it was patented by God :-)


chelrinj..there is..its called junkfood.. ;)