Monday, August 24, 2009


This are just some of my plans to increase my income.And i believe i can achieve it,step by step.These are what i am going to do.

  1. Set up a Rabbit farm in two different location.One in Kpg Serumah and one in Kpg Simboh.
  2. Opening up a laksa stall at Grand Corner coffeeshop in MJC.(its where i normally hang-out with my best friend Carlos)
  3. Take a video of me singing and post on YouTube.(Maybe i might get a record deal from it just like Zee Avi did)
  4. Blogging and write whatever comes through my mind.Adsense pays you know. ;)
  5. Buy a small rental property with no down.(Anyone has one?)and rent it for cashflow.

Well,thats all for the time being.Later in the afternoon,i am going to visit Agrobank to inquiry about loans for my rabbit farm.Hopeful i'll get it.

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