Saturday, July 11, 2009


going to work this morning while everybody else in the house is NOT...Early morning to post some thought before i head the shower.

Someone dear to me forwarded an e-mail to me about this Jerry.He is such a positive guy and you wouldn't believe how positive he is.He makes life so easy yet you would think its hard to be positive.

He simply live life by giving himself TWO choice.To do GOOD or BAD.Yes,he always choose to be and do GOOD.As simple as that...And he shows that being in a positive state, people are looking forward to be friends with you, work with you, help you...

Amazingly, positive attitude can even save your life.One night, Jerry was shot by a robber who enters the restaurant that Jerry manages, while he was about to leave.He was badly wounded and when he arrived at the emergency ward, he managed to see the glimpse of the nurse eyes that says "He is a dead man.."

But Jerry made a choice..He chose to live.Before that, he was ask by a nurse does he has allergy and he answered "Yes, bullets..".You see how positive he is even in his condition and yet he manage to broke laughter out of the nurses and doctors who were treating him.

Well, his choice of staying alive..he got can be like Jerry too.Try it on little things first.If you succeed, try on bigger challenges.I chose to wake up this morning..instead of continue my sleep and wake up at 6am.But got to go now,lambat sampai lab nanti...

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